References and Reading

Policies on Data and Code Sharing
Data Sharing and the Human Genome Sequencing Community



Integrating with integrity, Nature Genetics, 2010.

Data producers deserve citation credit, Nature Genetics, 2009.

Reproducibility in Computational Science

R. Peng, Reproducible Research and Biostatistics, Biostatistics, November 2009.

C. Savage and A. Vickers, Empirical Study of Data Sharing by Authors Publishing in PLoS Journals, 2009. (Some reactions to the article).

S. Fomel and J. Claerbout Reproducible Research, 2009.

D. Donoho et al. Reproducible Research in Computational Harmonic Analysis, 2009. ( PDF).

I. Manolescu et al., Repeatability & Workability Evaluation of SIGMOD 2009, 2009.

R. LeVeque, Python Tools for Reproducible Research on Hyperbolic Problems, Computing in Science and Engineering, vol. 11, no. 1, pp. 19-27, Jan./Feb., 2009. link with tools.

P. Vandewalle, J. Kovačević, and M. Vetterli, "Reproducible Research in Signal Processing - What, Why, and How", 2009.

J. Ioannidis et al., Repeatability of Published Microarray Gene Expression Analyses, 2008.

K. Baggerly and K. Coombes, Deriving Chemosensitivity from Cell Lines: Forensic Bioinformatics and Reproducible Research in High-Throughput Biology, 2009.

G. Baiocchi Reproducible Research in Computational Economics: Guidelines, Integrated Approaches, and Open Source Software, 2007

B. McCullough, Got Replicability? The Journal of Money, Credit and Banking Archive", 2007.

B. McCullough, McGeary, and Harrison, "Lessons from the JMCB Archive", 2006.

R. LeVeque, Wave propagation software, computational science, and reproducible research, 2006.

J. Ioannidis, Why Most Published Research Findings Are False, 2005.

R. Anderson et al. "The Role of Data & Program Code Archives in the Future of Economic Research", 2005.

A. Rossini, F. Leisch, Literate Statistical Practice, 2001.

D. Donoho, J. Buckheit, WaveLab and reproducible research, 1995.

G. King, Replication, Replication, 1995.

K. Price, Anything You Can Do, I Can Do Better (No You Can’t)..., 1986.

M. Schwab, N Karrenbach and J Claerbout. Making scientific computations reproducible Computing in Science & Engineering, 2000.

Gary King's links to papers and policies on Data Sharing, Replication, and Informatics

Article links on

Sharing in Practice

D. Donoho, How to be a Highly Cited Author in the Mathematical Sciences, 2002.

Patterns of information use and exchange: case studies of researchers in the life sciences, Nov 2009.

Reproducibility in the fMRI medical imaging community.

P. Schofield et al. Post-publication sharing of data and tools ''Nature'' 461, 10 September 2009.

H. Piwowar et al. Sharing Detailed Research Data Is Associated with Increased Citation Rate "PLoS ONE" 2007.

WaveLab, reproducible research in wavelets;

SparseLab, reproducible research in sparse modeling and compressed sensing;

Alzheimer’s Disease Neuroimaging Initiative (ADNI) Data Website, and their data sharing and publication policy;

Molecular biology database policies at a glance

Legal Issues and Frameworks

Federal Research Public Access Act of 2009 S. 1737, and the link to the Thomas entry.

V. Stodden, Enabling Reproducible Research: Licensing for Scientific Innovation, 2009.

V. Stodden, The Legal Framework for Reproducible Scientific Research: Licensing and Copyright, Computing in Science and Engineering, vol. 11, no. 1, pp. 35-40, Jan./Feb., 2009.

The OECD Working Group on Neuroinformatics Neuroscience Data and Tool Sharing: A Legal and Policy Framework for Neuroinformatics ''Neuroinformatics'' 1(2), 2003.


P. Bourne et al., Open access: taking full advantage of the content, 2008.

B. McCullough, Do economics journal archives promote replicable research?, 2008.

M. Gerstein et al., Structured digital abstract makes text mining easy, 2007.

H. Gibbs, DISC-UK DataShare: State-of-the-Art Review, 2007.

M. Seringhaus et al., Towards tomorrow's information architecture, 2007.

Announcement of the Data Conservatory Project, Johns Hopkins University.

M. Barinaga, Still Debated, Brain Image Archives Are Catching On, Science, 2003.

H. Piwowar, Data Sharing.

G. Steinhart, DataStaR: An Institutional Approach to Research Data Curation, 2007.

G. Steinhart et al., Establishing Trust in a Chain of Preservation, D-Lib Magazine, 2009.

Blogs and Other Sources

An Open Letter to the U.S. Congress Signed by 41 Nobel Prize Winners (November 2009).

Nature Blog 2008: The Great Beyond: Stiglitz and Sulston: Who Owns Science?

University of Manchester Press Release 2008: Nobel duo ask: "Who Owns Science?"

MATLAB Blog 2009: Reproducible Research in Signal Processing.

The bioinformatic-journal/software hydrid, 2009.

ITConversations interview with Robert Barga on Trident (provenance).

ITConversations interview with Victoria Stodden on Reproducibility and Science Commons, 2009.

Data Maven

Tools and Technologies

R. LeVeque, Python Tools for Reproducible Research on Hyperbolic Problems, Computing in Science and Engineering, vol. 11, no. 1, pp. 19-27, Jan./Feb., 2009.

Gentleman et al., Bioconductor: Open Software Development for Computational Biology and Bioinformatics, 2004.

M. Hildebrandt, Profiling the European Citizen: Cross-disciplinary Perspectives, 2008.

V. Stodden, Legal Attribution and Academic Citation: The Promise of Facilitated CC License Compliance, 2009.

ccREL: The Creative Commons Rights Expression Language.

Privacy and Data Anonymization (Arvind Narayanan's blog)'s list of software and supporting documentation.

Electronic Lab Notebook.

, International Polar Year Data and Information Service (IPYDIS).

Policies on Data and Code Sharing

Funder Policies

NIH Oct 19 2009 announcement on data sharing policy.

Current NIH data sharing policy, implementation guidance, and FAQs.

NSF grant guidelines on data sharing.

Wellcome Trust - Policy on data management and sharing.

Journal Policies

SHERPA RoMEO listing and classifying publisher copyright & self-archiving policies for a wide range of academic publishers.

Mathematical Programming Computation requiring code and data deposit as a condition of publication.

American Economic Review, Data Submission Requirement.

ACM Transactions on Mathematical Software Algorithms Policy.

Wouters et al., The Public Domain of Digital research Data, 2003. Includes a discussion of the controversial Journal of Cognitive Neuroscience's 2000 requirement of fMRI data submission.

Gary King's Sample Replication Journal Policy.


Declarations in Support of Open Access.

Arzberger et al., An International Framework to Promote Access to Data, Science, 2004.

CODATA Proceedings on Scientific and Technical Data, 2002.

Data Sharing and the Human Genome Sequencing Community

Sulston's 2002 account of the story of the 1996 Bermuda Declaration: "Heritage of Humanity".

The Toronto Statement, 2009.

E. Marshall, Bermuda Rules: Community Spirit, With Teeth, Science, 2001.

Policies of Release of Human Genome Sequence Data.